
Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014

Summer is coming... it is time to DETOX

A few months ago, my boyfriend wanted to embark on a detox cure, trying to include more alkaline food in our meals. Well, I did not know anything at all about this. I just knew that at this point of time, I was not quite fitting in my favorite clothes and with summer ahead of us my diets were certainly not the healthiest I could boast of. So I thought, Why not? Let's try!

The cure duration lasted one month. And it was so liberating, I lost seven kilos, I feel so much better now. This must sound hippy, MY BODY IS GREATFULL TO ME! And I get to do new shopping again, because well all my clothes are now too big :) 

We followed a program from a German website.

Based on my experience, I will share with you a few lessons.

1. No Bread No Diary Products.... No Cheese
YES, you heard no cheese, no bread. For me, a French girl, this was (and is) the hardest. I was a cheese junky. No diary means no yogurt, no milk, and no butter... Now I am eating cheese again... like a normal person.
The Ersatz: for yogurt, you may, from time-to-time, try Soya Yogurt. It is very tasty. To cook, use plant-based oil, such a coconut oil.

2. No Coffee, No Black Tea, No Soda
These drinks are full of acids, which is not ideal for your body. When you feel sleepy, what you need is either vitamins or a nap. The first few days of detox may be challenging because you are addicted to these beverages and everyone around you drinks them.
The Ersatz: green tea, jasmine tea, herbal tea, and my favorite ginger and lemon in hot water

3. Breakfast
Start with Millet, buckwheat, and cereal-based seeds porridge. Warning:  Its not going to be love at first bite. I usually add a fruit to give it more taste. Then, I take a ginger/lemon infusion. 

4. Lunch and Dinner
One of them needs to be 100% veggie: soup, salad, cooked veggies. Whatever you like! –as long as they are veggies. No meat/fish for all your meals; once or twice a week should be more than enough; you dont need to be a vegetarian to do a detox.

For the other meal, I would follow one of the recipes from this website.
[Apologies, it is in German]

Tip:  Just cook chez vous. Avoid pre-cooked meals, burgers, ready-made sauces etc. Cook what you like and do it from scratch with organic products. Simply by doing, you are removing conservatives and unhealthy stuff that exists in those products.

5. What about snacks?
Of course, you may snack, and when you do: have a fruit (ex: apple), or nuts! No worries. You won't get nut! And once in a while why not a little bit of super dark chocolate?

6. Alcohol?
Since month without cheese is hard enough, a month without alcohol would be torture. I did have some wine in the weekend. It is up to you. If you want to do it hardcore, No alcohol.

Ready? Go for it! You won't regret - just take your time, plan for the start of an interesting detox experience and CHANGE YOUR LIFE!