I have a 39 hour
contract at my job. I am sure I could perform the tasks I do in less than
30 hours a week or even less. However, my contract says I should stay 39 hours so I spend
time thinking about this blog, drinking coffee with my colleagues, hang out on
facebook etc... I know people who tell me that they don't have time for
anything, they are so busy and they work 40-50 hours a week. I don't believe them, it is not
possible to be efficient that long!
Lately I read this book, which totaly agrees with my point of view:
The four hour
week. Tim Feriss explains during 350 pages how you can change your
life and get a descent salary while working only four hour a week. You can
spend the rest of your time travelling, learning new things and enjoying life.
Read this book!
Life is too short to
spend it at work being useless.
While reading this book,
I found it hard to change my life directly. But I took three things, tried to
apply it and it works:
1. Know that your time
is very very very valuable
We always say "Time
is money". This has a part of truth. Your time has a great value, and it
is yours. There are some tasks you don't like to perform like cleaning, make
updates on your computer, which you sometime could outsource for 30-50 Euros.
But you don't want because you think you can do it yourself for free. Maybe you
could use this time to finally learn Spanish, make you first app like Rosa or
just spend some quality time with you friend and family.
So when you have a new task asks yourself "Is my time worth to perform this?”
2. The Pareto principle
(p70 in the book)
"Pareto's Law can be summarized as follow:
80% of the outputs result from 20% of the inputs"
For example, when you
write a report, in order to reach the quality 100% you need to spend 100% of
time. However, you will spend 20% of your time to reach the quality 80%. Is
this 20% value to the product more valuable than this 80% time? Please refer to
point 1. Your time is valuable!
3. Stop reading your
Tim Ferriss states that
he needs to check his work email only once a week. When I started my job, I
would have an alert popping on my desktop every time I got a new email. I
suppressed it! Then I had only the small envelop on the task bar, but this also
disturbed me. Now, I try to check my emails only once during the morning,
before/after lunch and once during the afternoon. It is hard but worth
No one expect you to
reply to your emails in the next three minutes. If it is so urgent, they will
call you! In that matter you are more focused on your task, if some people
decide to make an email conversation then you can catch up easily and most of
TIP: Before leaving work
in the evening, plan the first task that you will perform in the morning. When
you arrive at work perform this task before opening your emails. This will give
a better feeling to start the day and raise your effectiveness.
I hope this helps you! Do you also have some usefull tips for us to be more effective at work? Please share with us!!!!
Great entry!! Very useful!