
Samstag, 15. März 2014

First Photos with my new Reflex Camera

This year the Three Wise Men brought me the most incredible reflex camera ever. I was a really good girl last year, and here is the evidence!

Since this is my first reflex, I have no idea how it works or which are its capabilities. I've been using the automatic mode since January... That's why I will make this camera my...:
Next technology challenge!
, and I hope I can discover the artist sleeping (almost dead) in me.

So the first step was to join a course called: my reflex camera, how the hell it works? (or something like this... ) The course wasn't bad, but next time I will be sure the course has a part where you go out and take pictures... it was full of theoretical concepts and description of all the menus IN GERMAN. I mean, I speak German, I understand German, but I don't speak or understand "German for photographers", and neither does my camera (with Spanish menus)... So my efforts to try to translate what the teacher meant with Schlitzverschluss, Offenblendenmessung or Spiegelvorauslösung made me want to hurt him... I guess my colleagues had time to take pictures while the teacher was helping the child with special needs (me)

Nope, not a good experience. But what doesn't kill you make you stronger, and I took my camera last weekend and I decided to learn by doing, so these are my very first baby steps:

I will keep trying, but for the moment I just want to thank the japanese Nikon engineers for creating such a great automatic mode!

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